U.P. Mindanao, courtesy of the UP Diliman Library System and the Philippine e-Library Project, now has access to five (5) online databases in various fields and disciplines. The five databases, accessible via the U.P. Mindanao Library System’s portal ALARM, are Gale Virtual Reference Library, IEEE Xplore, Project MUSE, Proquest, and Science Direct Freedom Collection. This news was relayed to Dr. Briccio M. Merced, Jr., University Librarian, U.P. Mindanao, in an email sent by Prof. Chito Angeles, Head, Computer Services Division University Library, U.P. Diliman, and Senior Lecturer, U.P. School of Library and Information Studies.
IEEE Xplore is an online delivery system providing full-text access to the world's highest quality
technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. IEEE Xplore contains full text documents
from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IEE (Institution of Electrical
Engineers) publications. Access to IEEE is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for the Engineering
Research and Development for Technology (ERDT) Program. IEEE expires on 2010-10-31.
Access to these electronic resources is via IP address authentication and, is therefore, limited to users accessing from within any of the U.P. Mindanao's units using computers connected to its network at both the Kanluran and Anda campuses. At some point there could be difficulties in access due to connectivity at the publisher's site, the aggregator's or our own network. For more information about these resources, please contact your College Librarian or the Main Library at telephone 293-0420. Each of these databases also has help facility and search tips in their homepages which can aid you in your research requirements.
© 2010 All rights reserved. University of the Philippines Mindanao Library
© Revised by : Dr. Briccio M. Merced, Jr.
© Designed by : Von Bryan F. Sultan